its 3.25 and i cant sleep. u know when u stay up all night long and it comes to an extend u dont feel sleepy at all? yeah, dats how i feel right now. cant stop surfing the net. jumping from one blog to another. aiyak.
class timetable these days are so000ooo00oooo0ooo amazing. theres no other word to describe it. really. i just thank god i cud take these subjects. ....
about the title? o yeah. technology these days... from mp3, mp4 and now mp5..... take a look at the pic below...
those arent mine.. except the mp3. bape megabyte je pon. but i love it. i do. its my precioussss! y? becoz i bought it with my own money(gne duit gaji,keje after spm).
nothing really, i am just blabbering some boring things.. and now i'm getting sleepy. ok. i better end it here and hit the "publish post" button now before my head lands on this keyboard. till then lads. taaa~
kroih kroih kroih~~~
nothing really, i am just blabbering some boring things.. and now i'm getting sleepy. ok. i better end it here and hit the "publish post" button now before my head lands on this keyboard. till then lads. taaa~
kroih kroih kroih~~~
wah..siapekah tuan kepade mp5 ituh???wuuu..jeles2
spam cket.wink2.get through grey!
oit. bgn aa. tdo je. tehee ;D
tech = ombak
skali datang banyak prubahan, sebulan die pergi untuk datang semula
oit, update a~~~
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